
Showing 1 - 12 of 12
The AHPCS Version 4.2 video provides an overview of structure and use of the standards
Video plays for

Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards Version 4.2


The Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS) provide direction for costing practitioners to ensure all in-scope costs are allocated to hospital activity to reflect resource utilisation, in a complete and consistent manner.

10 Jan 2024

national benchmarking portal video thumbnail

National Benchmarking Portal


The National Benchmarking Portal (NBP) is a website-based application that provides public access to insights from data collected by the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).

30 May 2023

Opening slide from the Application or practice video

MHPoC Application to Practice


This video focuses on the application of the Mental Health Phase of Care (MHPoC) in clinical practice. This video has been filmed with several clinicians discussing their own experiences with MHPoC, discussing local application of MHPoC and clinical benefits. This re...

13 Dec 2022

The introduction from the AMHCC and MHPoC education video

An Overview of AMHCC and MHPoC


This video is a short introduction to the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) and Mental Health Phase of Care (MHPoC) It aims to increase clinician awareness and effective use of the MHPoC. This video is for clinicians, consumers, families and carers...

13 Dec 2022

Animation from the Medical records and allied driven healthcare video

Medical records and data driven healthcare


Together with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, IHPA has developed this animation to explain the secondary uses of patient medical records. It aims to encourage clear, accurate and complete documentation in patient medical records.

11 Oct 2017

Animation from the NHCDC video

National Hospital Cost Data Collection


The National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) is a valuable tool for use across the Australian health system as it plays a large role in collating the vast majority of health system costs at a 'product' level. It has recently been defined as a remarkable evidence b...

27 Jun 2014

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