AR-DRG Version 11.0 education

The Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (AR-DRGs) classification groups episodes into clinically meaningful and resource homogenous categories.

The AR-DRG eLearning program comprises three interactive online modules (and an introductory module that guides users in engaging with the content) covering fundamentals of AR-DRGs and refinements for the new AR-DRG Version 11.0:

  • AR-DRG V11.0 fundamentals
  • AR-DRG V11.0 specific refinements
  • AR-DRG V11.0 standard refinements and overview

Each module (except for the introductory module) will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and are compatible with multiple browsers.

Modules are self-paced and include knowledge checks throughout and Certificates of Completion.

Users will need to create an account to access the modules.

If you have already created an account to complete the ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Twelfth Edition modules, use this account to also access the AR-DRG modules.

To begin follow these steps:

  • access IHACPA Learn
  • select the tile ‘AR-DRG Version 11.0 Education’
  • login or create new account
  • navigate to the Introduction to AR-DRG V11.0 education module
  • complete the education modules.

Please note: Upon registering on the IHACPA Learn website you may be prompted to review the settings of your browser to ensure an optimal experience. Please seek advice from your system administrator if your settings are not compliant with the requirements.


AR-DRG Version 11.0 Education is an education stream hosted on the IHACPA Learn platform. 

New users to IHACPA Learn must register their details, and then are able to track their progress of learning. Please note that the login details for IHACPA Learn are not the same as the details for the Australian Classification Exchange (ACE) website. 

A list of commonly asked questions is available from the Help menu  on IHACPA Learn.

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