Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination

The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was first published in 1975 by M. F. Folstein et al. as an appendix to the Mini-mental state: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician study. The MMSE was designed as a screening test for the purpose of evaluating cognitive impairment in older adults.  

The SMMSE was developed by Dr D. William Molloy and Timothy I. M. Standish in 1997 to provide scoring instructions and clear and unambiguous guidelines for administration of the MMSE tool, in order to increase reliability and reduce variability.

In consultation with the copyright owner of the SMMSE, Dr D. William Molloy who resides in Ireland, the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) has purchased the Australian intellectual property rights of the SMMSE. IHACPA has granted permission for all health care facilities and aged care services throughout Australia to freely use the SMMSE.

The SMMSE consists of a Guidelines for administration and scoring instructions booklet and a separate SMMSE tool. The Guidelines for Administration and Scoring Instructions booklet offers comprehensive instructions that accompany the SMMSE tool, and both materials should always be used in conjunction.

The SMMSE tool and guidelines are provided for use in Australia by IHACPA under a licence agreement with the copyright owner, Dr D. William Molloy. The SMMSE Guidelines for administration and scoring instructions and the SMMSE tool must not be used outside Australia without the written consent of Dr D. William Molloy.

If you experience any issues downloading the SMMSE, please contact IHACPA by  email

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