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Extra service fee approval process


The Australian Government is replacing the Extra Service Fee and Additional Service Fee with the Higher Everyday Living Fee from 1 July 2025. 

For further information, please refer to the Higher Everyday Living Fee fact sheet.

Find out about applying for extra service fee approval, including what you will need to provide, how we process your application, and how long it will take.

Extra service fee approval process at a glance

1. Decide on your proposed fee

Your proposed fee may be higher or lower than your current fee.

If your proposed fee is higher, make sure the increase is no greater than the maximum increase allowed.

2. Check you can apply

Before applying, make sure you understand:

Check timing

We will only make a decision on your application if:

  • you apply at least 60 days before the new fee is to take effect
  • at least 12 months have passed since your last approval took effect.

3. What you need to provide

You will need to provide the following information in your application:

  • provider name and postal address
  • name and address of your facility
  • the service ID
  • details of the person we can contact if we need more information
  • for each room type, the current and proposed fees and number of extra service places
  • the date you want to start charging the proposed fees to residents
  • whether the places included in the application have also been approved to charge a refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) amount that is more than the maximum
  • details of other fees payable for additional care and services
  • benchmark list approved by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

We may ask for more information including:

  • why you are proposing an extra service fee increase
  • the cost of providing your extra services
  • any changes in the cost since we last approved an increase
  • any changes in the quality, frequency or nature of your extra services.

4. Complete the application form

Extra Service Fee Approval Application Form

Use this form to apply for approval to increase your extra service fees.

The information you provide is classified as protected information under the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Act). Under section 86-4A of the Act, we may share protected information about your application and approval with the Department of Health and Aged Care as the system operator, and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission as the system regulator, to support their legislative aged care functions. More information about the arrangements in place for the sharing of information in the Exchange of Letters on our website

5. Submit your application

To submit your application:

If you prefer, you can post the completed form and supporting documents as a hard copy to:

Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority
PO Box 483
Darlinghurst NSW 1300

6. We process your application

Before we make a decision, we may ask you to provide more information.

If you want to check the status of your application or need to update the information in your application, please contact us on (02) 8215 1100 (press option 2) or by email at applications.accommodation@ihacpa.gov.au.

7. Receive final decision

We will send you a decision letter after we have assessed your application.

If we do not approve your application or approve a lesser amount, you can appeal the decision. See the decision letter for how to do this.

Charging existing residents

If you receive approval for a fee increase, you must let your residents know in writing at least 30 days before the increase takes effect. You cannot charge the increased fee until you have done this.

You can let your residents know before we approve the proposed increase.

Charging new residents

You must publish your fees before you start charging the approved fee to new residents.

You must offer an extra services agreement to new residents entering an extra services room. The agreement sets out your extra service fees and the details of the higher standard of accommodation.

Charging continuing care recipients

When we approve an extra service fee application, we will tell you what your extra service amount is.

The extra service amount is the maximum you can charge continuing care recipients. It is the approved extra service fee plus 25%.

Continuing care recipients are residents who entered residential aged care before to 1 July 2014. If they take unapproved leave from residential aged care for 28 days or move to a new facility and opt into post-1 July 2014 fee arrangements, you can only charge up to the maximum approved extra service fee.

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