
Development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards - Consultation Paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has released a consultation paper on the Development of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS) Version 4.0 for public comment.

Development of a table of standard costs for conducting clinical trials in Australia
PublicationsIHPA has developed a robust set of standard costs for the revised List of standard items associated with conducting clinical trials in Australia.

Indigenous Patient Cost Study Report
PublicationsThe purpose of this report is to review the costs of providing care to Indigenous patients accessing public hospital services. This work was commissioned in response to stakeholder concerns that the national activity based funding system does not adequately reflect Indi...

Development of a Table of Standard Costs for Conducting Clinical Trials in Australia - consultation paper
ConsultationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Development of a Table of Standard Costs for Conducting Clinical Trials in Australia public consultation paper until 5.00pm Tuesday, 28 April 2015.

Development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards
PublicationsAs part of the continuing development of activity based funding (ABF) arrangements for Australian hospitals, the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has appointed HealthConsult to conduct a body of work that, for convenience, is collectively referred to a...

Home Enteral Nutrition, Home Total Parenteral Nutrition and Home Ventilation Services Costing Study Report
PublicationsThe Costing study on Home Enteral Nutrition, Home Total Parenteral Nutrition and Home Ventilation Services was undertaken in 2014. The purpose of the study was to review the costs associated with the delivery of public hospital services to patients receiving home entera...
NHCDC Independent Financial Review 2012-13
PublicationsThe National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) is the primary data collection that the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) relies on to calculate the national efficient price used for the funding of public hospital services. To ensure that th...
National Hospital Cost Data Collection, Overnight Private Hospitals Cost Report 2012-13
PublicationsThe private sector National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) is a voluntary collection that produces a range of hospital cost and activity information by Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (AR-DRG).

Home Delivered Dialysis Services Costing Study Report
PublicationsThe costing study on home delivered dialysis was undertaken in 2014. The purpose of the study was to collate and compare the range of costing studies and economic evaluations that have been carried out on these services over the past decade.

Review and Costing Study into Radiotherapy Services
PublicationsPwC and its sub-contractor Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) engaged PwC and its sub-contractor SyRis Consulting to undertake a review and costing study of Australian radiotherapy services.

National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Hospitals Report - Round 16 (financial year 2011–12)
PublicationsThis National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Hospitals Report includes the results of participation across the various jurisdictions. The reports investigates a number of specific questions relating to hospital costs for admitted, non admitted and emergenc...

Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards version 3.1
PublicationsThe Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (the Standards) have been developed in the context of significant health reform in Australia. A substantial body of work is underway to establish more transparent and equitable funding arrangements for public hospitals a...