
Showing 49 - 60 of 349
New Health Technology Policy

Assessment of New Health Technologies


The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) recognises the need for the pricing of public hospital services to respond in a timely manner to the introduction of new health technologies and innovations in models of care.

28 Jul 2023

Back-Casting Policy Version 8.0

Back-Casting Policy Version 8.0


The Back-Casting Policy outlines the process the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority follows when back-casting the national efficient price (NEP) or the national efficient cost (NEC) for the purpose of calculating Commonwealth growth funding, as set out i...

7 Jul 2023

IHACPA Work Program and Corporate Plan 2023-24

IHACPA Work Program and Corporate Plan 2023-24


The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) Work Program and Corporate Plan 2023-24 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of section 225 of the National Health Reform Act 2011 and section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance...

20 Jun 2023

national benchmarking portal video thumbnail

National Benchmarking Portal


The National Benchmarking Portal (NBP) is a website-based application that provides public access to insights from data collected by the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).

30 May 2023

The General Use Items for Prostheses List Bundling Tool spreadsheet displayed on a computer screen

General Use Items Bundling Tool


The General Use Items (GUI) Bundling Tool enables users to enter historical Prostheses List billing-code utilisation data and apply the GUI bundles defined in IHACPA’s Supplementary advice on Bundling Arrangements for General Use Items on the Prostheses List – April 20...

8 May 2023

Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) v1.0 User manual cover image

AMHCC User Manual


This user manual provides background to the development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) Version 1.0. It also explains the structure, data elements and collection protocols, reporting requirements, and how the data is grouped.Due to no structu...

1 May 2023

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