National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Sector Report 2020-21

Date published: 22 June 2023

The National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Sector Report, Appendix Tables, and Infographic present the results from the NHCDC Public Sector 2020-21. 

It is important to note that the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has impacted the accuracy and completeness of this year’s public hospital expenditure and activity. As a result, this year may not be consistent with prior years and across jurisdictions.

These documents account for the hospital costs submitted by jurisdictions for the following activity streams: admitted acute, subacute and non-acute, non-admitted, emergency department, admitted mental health, and community mental health.

The NHCDC Data Request Specifications (DRS) contain detailed guidance regarding the  NHCDC Public Sector submissions for 2020-21.

For the 2020-21 financial year, IHACPA received data from 680 hospitals (including health service providers), an increase of 127 from the NHCDC Public Sector 2019-20. This includes 45.1 million patient encounters across Australia.

The total expenditure submitted in the NHCDC Public Sector 2020-21 is $58.0 billion, a 5.9 per cent increase from the previous year of $54.7 billion. 

The appendix to the NHCDC Public Sector Report contains detailed tables relating to the collection.

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