National Benchmarking Portal: New data for 2021-22 now available.


Q&A webinar series

The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) was pleased to release a webinar series as part of its educational offering for local and international health professionals.

Icon representing a webinar

The seven-part series was delivered online over 12 months. 

Each session in the series addressed key learning outcomes, and in particular, highlighted the fundamental building blocks relating to activity based funding and where stakeholders’ roles fit within the life-cycle of the project.

The live webinars provided health professionals with the opportunity to engage directly with IHPA senior leaders, technical advisors and industry experts to learn more about how their work supports pricing and funding of public hospital services in Australia.

Each session was delivered through an interactive virtual portal and included:

  • one 20 to 45 minute introductory presentation, providing detailed education on the core themes to be discussed in the live webinar, which is released three weeks in advance
  • one 60 minute live Q&A webinar, with a 10 to 15 minute introduction and 45 minutes to ask direct questions of the speakers.


The timeline below outlines the topics and dates of each session in the series. 






Session one

22 June 2021

Contributing to the future of pricing policy: Engaging with IHPA on the Pricing Framework 2022–23 consultation

Access the recording on YouTube

Session two

18 August 2021

Pricing and funding for improved safety and quality: Exploring the reforms driving better outcomes for patients

Access the recording on YouTube

Session three

20 October 2021

Enabling clinically meaningful classification development: Understanding the systems linking hospital patient data, policies and costs

Access the recording on YouTube

Session four

14 December 2021

Insight into patient costing data: The interplay between standards, the National Hospital Cost Data Collection and improved accuracy in pricing

Access the recording on YouTube

Session five

16 February 2022

Every patient counts: Adding value, efficiency and transparency through accurate health data collection

Access the recording on YouTube

Session six

20 April 2022

Fair and responsive pricing: Determining a nationally consistent approach to funding public hospital services

Access the recording on YouTube

Session seven

29 June 2022

Funding for the future: Investigating and implementing innovative funding models in Australia

Access the recording on YouTube

If you have any questions about the webinar series, please contact us at

Location: Delivered digitally.

Cost: Free.

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