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Aged Care Advisory Committee

The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) Aged Care Advisory Committee (ACAC) is a statutory committee established under Section 4.11A of the National Health Reform Act 2011.

The ACAC advise on the development of aged care costing and pricing advice to inform Pricing Authority decision making. 

This will include advice on the relevant factors associated with the delivery of care and services in residential aged care, respite care and in-home aged care and will encompass the inputs to the development of pricing advice which are policy, cost and service delivery.

Members are appointed by the Commonwealth Minister for Health and Aged Care and are drawn from a range of specialities and backgrounds to ensure the ACAC represents a wide range of aged care expertise.

Members of the ACAC:

  • Dr Stephen Judd (Deputy Chair, Aged Care of the Pricing Authority and Chair of the Aged Care Advisory Committee)
  • Ms Rowan Cockerell
  • Ms Prudence Ford
  • Dr Martin Laverty
  • Mr Nicolas Mersiades
  • Professor Julie Ratcliffe
  • Professor Michael Woods.
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