
Implementation of Cluster Coding Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsCluster coding is a mechanism of linking related diagnosis codes through use of a diagnosis cluster identifier (DCID) that will enhance the value of coded data.

Aged Care Cost Collection Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsThis fact sheet will help residential and in-home aged care providers understand what cost collections are and why it’s important to participate.

A fresh approach to NDIS pricing - Expert NDIS advisors fact sheet
Fact sheetsDuring our NDIS pricing reform consultation in 2024, we drew upon the knowledge of our expert advisors who brought a range of perspectives to our work and who have a deep expertise in many relevant areas:

A fresh approach to NDIS pricing: Have your say fact sheet
Fact sheetsThe Australian Government has asked the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) to undertake initial work to identify opportunities for future reforms to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) pricing. This includes reviewing existing pricing ap...

IHACPA's role in aged care pricing fact sheet
Fact sheetsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) is an independent government agency that provides evidence-based pricing advice to the Australian Government on health and aged care services.

Have your say on residential aged care pricing fact sheet
Fact sheetsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) invites everyone with an interest in aged care to provide feedback on IHACPA’s development of residential aged care pricing and costing advice.

Australian Emergency Care Classification Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsThe Australian Emergency Care Classification (AECC) has been developed for use in emergency departments and replaced the use of the Urgency Related Group (URG) for pricing from 1 July 2021.

Emergency Care Principal Diagnosis Selection Guide Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsA principal diagnosis is the diagnosis established at the conclusion of the patient’s attendance in an emergency department (ED) to be mainly responsible for occasioning the attendance following consideration of clinical assessment.

Consultation Paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Residential Aged Care Services 2024–25 Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) relies on a consultative, transparent and evidence-based approach in the development of its aged care costing and pricing advice.

MHPoC Education and Meeting Guides
Fact sheetsThe meeting guide suggests clinician validated ways to bring a routine consideration of MHPoC into multi-disciplinary team meetings. The education guide promotes simple and effective ways to run education on Mental Health Phase of Care (MHPoC) within teams. The...

AMHCC and MHPoC Information Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsThis fact sheet provides an overview of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) and Mental Health Phase of Care (MHPoC). It includes a definition of each MHPoC and highlights that Assessment Only changed from a MHPoC to become an administrative...

Australian Mental Health Care Classification Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsThe Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) was developed to provide more accurate and consistent data about the services provided across different mental healthcare settings.