Development of ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Thirteenth Edition and AR-DRG Version 12.0
ConsultationsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) released its consultation paper on the development ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Thirteenth Edition and AR-DRG Version 12.0 from Thursday 2 November 2023 to Friday 1 December 2023.
2023 Residential Aged Care Costing Study Final Report
PublicationsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) engaged Scyne Advisory to undertake a residential aged care costing study in 2023 to understand, collect, and analyse cost and activity data.
Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards Version 4.2
VideosThe Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS) provide direction for costing practitioners to ensure all in-scope costs are allocated to hospital activity to reflect resource utilisation, in a complete and consistent manner.
AMHCC Version 1.1 Final Report
PublicationsThis final report provides the detailed statistical analysis undertaken in the development of Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) Version 1.1, including the key changes to the classification and methodology of the refinement
Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2024–25
PublicationsThe Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2024–25 (the Pricing Framework) is the key strategic document underpinning the National Efficient Price and National Efficient Cost Determinations for the 2024–25 financial year.
National Hospital Cost Data Collection Private Hospital Report 2022–23
PublicationsThe National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) private sector is a voluntary collection that produces a range of hospital cost and activity information by the Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups.
IHACPA Annual Report 2022–23
PublicationsThe Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) Annual Report 2022–23 was tabled in Parliament on Wednesday 18 October 2023.
Australian Emergency Care Classification Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsThe Australian Emergency Care Classification (AECC) has been developed for use in emergency departments and replaced the use of the Urgency Related Group (URG) for pricing from 1 July 2021.
Emergency Care Principal Diagnosis Selection Guide Fact Sheet
Fact sheetsA principal diagnosis is the diagnosis established at the conclusion of the patient’s attendance in an emergency department (ED) to be mainly responsible for occasioning the attendance following consideration of clinical assessment.
Exchange of Letters between IHACPA and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
PublicationsAn Exchange of Letters between the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) commenced on 22 September 2023.
Exchange of Letters between IHACPA and the Department of Health and Aged Care
PublicationsAn Exchange of Letters between Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) and the Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) commenced on 22 September 2023.
Emergency Care ICD-10-AM Principal Diagnosis Short List Twelfth Edition – User Guide
PublicationsThis document details the components and conventions of the Emergency Care International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) Principal Diagnosis Short List (the EPD Short List) and is ai...