ABF Data Request Specifications 2012-13

Activity based funding data request specifications for the quarterly submission of 2012/13 financial year data have been established as follows:

Admitted (includes general items for Acute, Mental Health and Sub-acute including Palliative Care)

Below are the ABF data request specifications for acute hospitalizations in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains two sheets “APC data specs” sheet contains the overall specifications and the“Diagnosis array format” sheet provides extra detail and an example of how the diagnosis array is to be populated.

Admitted for specific additional Sub-acute items

Below are the ABF data request specifications for sub-acute hospitalizations in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains five sheets “Subacute & nonacute” sheet contains the specifications for the additional sub-acute items requested to be collected at a patient level, the “Palliative” sheet provides details of the items to be collected for each palliative care phase, the “Eg SAC ABF DSS” sheet contains examples of the data to be supplied for sub-acute cases, the” Eg Clinical ax score” sheet provides extra details and examples of how the clinical assessment and score arrays are to be populated and the “AROC Impairment Codes” sheet provided the list of valid AROC Impairment Codes.


Below are the ABF data request specifications for non-admitted hospital care in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains four sheets the “NAP ABF DSS Pt level” sheet contains the specifications for the patient level collection, the “NAP ABF DSS Aggregate” sheet contains the specifications for the aggregated data collection, the “Tier 2 V_1.0.2” sheet provided the list of valid Tier 2 – Version 1.0.2 clinics valid at 28/10/2011 and the “Example NAP ABF DSS Aggregate” sheet contains examples of the data to be supplied for aggregated non-admitted hospital care cases.

Emergency care

Below are the ABF data request specifications for Emergency care hospitalizations in an Excel workbook. The Excel workbook contains two sheets “Emergency Services DSS” sheet contains the specifications for the aggregated data collection, the “Emergency Department Care DSS” sheet contains the specifications for the patient level collection.

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