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Showing 361 - 372 of 381
Tier 2 Non-admitted Services 2013–2014

Tier 2 Non-admitted Services 2013–2014


This resource provides the structural overview of the classification and the definition of each of the Tier 2 classes along with the Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Compendium: This document provides guidance on the counting rules associated with the Tier 2 classification...

25 Feb 2013

Data Quality Assurance Framework 2012

Data Quality Assurance Framework 2012


The IHPA Data Quality Framework details IHPA's processes to monitor and ensure best possible data quality. This is a supplement to the 3 year data plan. The IHPA data quality arrangements are part of the broader IHPA Quality Management Framework, including systematic...

30 May 2012

National Efficient Price Determination 2012–13

National Efficient Price Determination 2012–13


The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) was established under the National Health Reform Act 2011 (Cth) (the Act), and by virtue of section 131(1) of the Act is invested with the following functions relevant to this National Efficient Price Determina...

30 May 2012

Towards a Pricing Framework: Summary Report

Towards a Pricing Framework: Summary Report


The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has commissioned the development of a comprehensive Pricing Framework for use in the implementation of activity based funding (ABF) for Australian public hospitals. This report is a short summary of the implementation op...

2 Jan 2012

Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards Version 2.0

Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards Version 2.0


The National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) has been producing national hospital costing results since 1995-96 as a voluntary collection. On 29 November 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to a National Partnership Agreement on Hospital and...

4 Nov 2011

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