
Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2014–15
PublicationsThe Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2014-2015 builds on the two previous Pricing Frameworks (2012-2013 Pricing Framework and 2013-2014 Pricing Framework). For simplicity, where IHPA reaffirmed a previous principle, the supporting argument was n...

Home Delivered Dialysis Services Costing Study Report
PublicationsThe costing study on home delivered dialysis was undertaken in 2014. The purpose of the study was to collate and compare the range of costing studies and economic evaluations that have been carried out on these services over the past decade.

IHPA Annual Report 2013–14
PublicationsIndependent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) Annual Report for financial year 2013–14.

Review and Costing Study into Radiotherapy Services
PublicationsPwC and its sub-contractor Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) engaged PwC and its sub-contractor SyRis Consulting to undertake a review and costing study of Australian radiotherapy services.

Review of the AR-DRG Case Complexity Process
PublicationsThis report presents the results of phase one of the project to develop Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (AR-DRG)1 Version (V) 8.0. This phase focuses on the case complexity component of the classification that has not been reviewed for many years.

National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Hospitals Report - Round 16 (financial year 2011–12)
PublicationsThis National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) Public Hospitals Report includes the results of participation across the various jurisdictions. The reports investigates a number of specific questions relating to hospital costs for admitted, non admitted and emergenc...

Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards version 3.1
PublicationsThe Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (the Standards) have been developed in the context of significant health reform in Australia. A substantial body of work is underway to establish more transparent and equitable funding arrangements for public hospitals a...

National Hospital Cost Data Collection
VideosThe National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) is a valuable tool for use across the Australian health system as it plays a large role in collating the vast majority of health system costs at a 'product' level. It has recently been defined as a remarkable evidence b...

Edit Checker Program User Guide
PublicationsThe Emergency Department (ED) Edit Checker program has been developed by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) to assist state and territory health departments and hospitals to improve the data quality reported for the hospital emergency department; par...

National Efficient Price Determination 2014–15
PublicationsThe Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) is established under the National Health Reform Act 2011 (Cth) (the Act), and by virtue of section 131(1) of the Act is invested with the following functions relevant to this National Efficient Price Determinat...

Investigative review of classification systems for emergency care
PublicationsThis report includes the findings and recommendations from a project undertaken by Health Policy Analysis on classification systems for emergency care on behalf of th eIndependent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA).

Tier 2 Non-admitted services 2014–15
PublicationsThere are three key publications that support the Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Classification. Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Definitions Manual, Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Compendium and Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services National Index.