Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification Grouper Version 5.0 User Manual
PublicationsThe Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification (AN-SNAP) Version 5.0 software grouper application (the SNAP5Grouper) Version 1.1 groups records of admitted subacute and non-acute care into an AN-SNAP Version 5.0 class (or error class if there is m...
Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification Grouper Version 4.0.1 User Manual
PublicationsThe Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification (AN-SNAP) Grouper Version 4.0.1 application (SNAP4.0.1Grouper) groups records of admitted subacute and non-acute care into an AN-SNAP Version 4.0 class (or error class if there is missing informa...
How to classify COVID-19 – Supplementary guidance and FAQs for classifying admitted care in Eleventh Edition
PublicationsSupplementary advice and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to support the classification of COVID-19 in admitted care.
Emergency Care COVID-19 Response
PublicationsThe Emergency Department ICD-10-AM Principal Diagnosis Short List (ED Short List) was updated in 2022 with additional codes to classify COVID-19 testing and adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Non-Admitted Care COVID-19 Response
PublicationsInformation on the classification rules for COVID-19 in the non-admitted care setting.
Hospital Teaching, Training and Research Activities National Best Endeavours Data Set Technical Specifications for reporting
PublicationsTeaching, training and research (TTR) activities represent an important role of the public hospital system alongside the provision of care to patients. Until now, there has been no classification system for TTR. To support data collection and classification development,...
Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services 2022–23
PublicationsThere are three key publications that support the Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Classification (Tier 2).
Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification Version 5.0
PublicationsThe Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification (AN-SNAP) is a casemix classification used for activity based funding, clinical management and other purposes.
Mental Health Phase of Care Clinical Refinement Testing Project – Final Report
PublicationsThe Mental Health Phase of Care (MHPoC) Clinical Refinement Testing Project aimed to determine whether refinements to the MHPoC recommended as part of the 2017 Clinical Refinement Project improved the reliability of how MHPoC definitions are applied by clinicians. This...
Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services 2021–22
PublicationsThere are three key publications that support the Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Classification. Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Definitions Manual, Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services Compendium and Tier 2 Non-Admitted Services National Index.
Emergency department care FAQs – Part 2 (Published 17 September 2020)
PublicationsFAQs to support the classification of COVID-19 in emergency department care.