Towards an Aged Care Pricing Framework Consultation Paper
Date published: 16 August 2022

The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) released its Towards an Aged Care Pricing Framework Consultation Paper (the Consultation Paper) for public consultation from Tuesday 16 August 2022 to Friday 14 October 2022.
IHACPA will provide independent aged care costing and pricing advice to the Commonwealth Government (Government). This aims to ensure that Government aged care funding is directly informed by the actual costs of delivering care. IHACPA’s advice will inform Government decisions on residential aged care and respite care funding from 1 July 2023.
IHACPA’s Pricing Framework for Australian Residential Aged Care Services is the key policy document for IHACPA in aged care. It underpins IHACPA’s approach to providing aged care costing and pricing advice to the Government and guides how IHACPA develops pricing advice. It also outlines how any required pricing adjustments are developed to account for unavoidable cost variations faced by providers in delivering services for some groups of people receiving care.
The feedback and comments received through the public consultation process have been incorporated into the Pricing Framework for Australian Residential Aged Care Services 2023–24.
All submissions have been published on IHACPA’s website, unless respondents specifically identified sections to be kept confidential for commercial or other reasons. Submissions have been published in their original format. In addition to the submissions listed below, IHACPA received thirteen confidential submissions that have not been published.
Submissions received
The following formal submissions have been made public: