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IHPA Annual Report 2021–22

Date published: 26 October 2022

The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) Annual Report for 2021–22 was tabled in the parliament on Tuesday 25 October 2022.

The Annual Report is a formal accountability document that details the agency’s activities over the 2021–22 financial year.


This report was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Health Reform Act 2011 and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. This includes IHPA's audited financial statements and annual performance statements that present the agency's performance from 1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022.

The Annual Report informs parliament of IHPA’s financial and operational performance against planned outcomes in the 2021–22 Portfolio Budget Statements and IHPA’s Work Program and Corporate Plan 2021–22.

Amendments to the National Health Reform Act 2011 that saw the agency’s name change to the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) came into effect outside the reporting period of this annual report, on 12 August 2022. This report is therefore referred to as the IHPA Annual Report 2021–22.

View our digital annual report at transparency.gov.au.

Key highlights

In addition to its regular work program, IHPA continued to work in close consultation with jurisdictions to understand the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on service delivery, activity levels and models of care, in order to provide assistance in the implementation of the National Partnership on COVID-19 Response.

The annual report highlights IHPA’s achievements in 2021–22, including contributing to the development of joint advice with the Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on options to reduce avoidable and preventable hospitalisations.

As part of his opening remarks, Chair of the Pricing Authority, Mr David Tune AO PSM, notes:

IHPA continues to progress work on the development of innovative funding models and pricing methodologies. With this, IHPA continues to take the lead in the development and implementation of funding models that will support health care into the future.

Mr David Tune AO PSM

"It is our hope, collectively as the Pricing Authority, that in partnership with jurisdictions and other national bodies, this work will forge continuous pathways for patient-centred care and help shape strategies that prioritise value-based care, ultimately improving health outcomes for all Australians."

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