ICD-10-AM and ACHI mapping tables

Date published: 15 December 2022



Mapping tables between editions of ICD-10-AM and ACHI

Mapping tables provide a link between two editions of a classification. There are two types of mapping tables provided in the ICD-10-AM and ACHI maps: 

  • Backward maps – provides equivalent code for new codes in the newer edition
  • Forward maps – provides equivalent codes for deleted codes in the newer edition

Both of these types of maps provide an equivalent code that best matches the concept from a clinical perspective (called historical maps) as well as an AR-DRG perspective (called logical maps). Sometimes the historical map and the logical map are the same code.

Multiple historical maps are provided where there are multiple codes that can be mapped from one edition to the next. The first historical map provided in the mapping table is the closest match to code descriptor, alphabetic index entries or relevant coding conventions.

Mapping tables for ICD-10-AM and ACHI First to Third Edition are provided for free:

Mapping tables for ICD-10-AM and ACHI Fourth to Eleventh Edition are available for purchase. For further information, please see the products and licences page.

Mapping tables between ICD-10 and ICD-10-AM

To maintain compatibility with the World Health Organization’s ICD-10, mapping tables are provided to link ICD-10-AM codes with ICD-10. 

ICD-10 and ICD-10-AM mapping table

User guide

Twelfth Edition

User guide

For details on how to use the following ICD-10-AM and ICD-10 mapping tables, please see the User Guide.

ICD-10 to ICD-10-AM

ICD-10-AM to ICD-10

Eleventh Edition

Eleventh Edition

Tenth Edition

Tenth Edition

Ninth Edition

Ninth Edition

Eighth Edition

Eighth Edition

Seventh Edition

Seventh Edition

Sixth Edition

Sixth Edition

Fifth Edition

Fifth Edition

Fourth Edition

Fourth Edition

Third Edition

Third Edition

Second Edition

Second Edition

First Edition

First Edition

Mapping tables between Medicare Benefits Schedule and ACHI

ACHI includes content from the Commonwealth Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) (with some exceptions). 

From Second Edition to Eleventh Edition, the hardcopy volumes of the ACHI Tabular List included Appendix B: Mapping Table for MBS Items not included in ACHI. This list included a list of MBS items that were not incorporated into ACHI but had an equivalent concept. 

This appendix has been removed from the ACHI Tabular List in Twelfth Edition and replaced with a separate electronic product that maps MBS items to ACHI codes.

The mapping table between the MBS and ACHI Twelfth Edition is available from the Downloads section on this page. 

Supplementary codes for chronic conditions map

The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) provides a map between the supplementary codes for chronic conditions (Chapter 21 Codes for special purposes, U78–U88 Supplementary codes for chronic conditions) to the equivalent codes in the disease chapters of ICD-10-AM.

Further information can be found in the Australian Coding Standard (ACS) under ACS 0003 Supplementary codes for chronic conditions.

The mapping table between the supplementary U codes and ICD-10-AM Twelfth Edition is available from the Downloads section on this page.

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