The consultation is open to the public for 30 days until Friday 14 July 2023.
The Consultation Paper is IHACPA’s main opportunity for stakeholders to provide input on the policy approach to develop the National Efficient Price (NEP) and National Efficient Cost (NEC) Determinations for Australian public hospital services.
The Chair of the Pricing Authority, Mr David Tune AO PSM said, “our ongoing partnership with a broad range of stakeholders ensures we can continue to improve efficiency, accountability and transparency across the public health care system.”
Feedback received from stakeholders through this consultation will inform the development of major policy decisions outlined in the final Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2024–25, which underpins the NEP and NEC Determinations. These determinations play a crucial role in calculating the Commonwealth funding contribution to Australian public hospitals for the 2024–25 financial year.
The focus of this year’s consultation is to seek feedback on the agency’s proposed introduction of new classifications, investigation of refinements to the national pricing model, and understanding the impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on public hospital service delivery.
Introduction of new classifications for NEP24
Nationally consistent classifications for services provided in public hospitals form the foundation of activity based funding. IHACPA routinely undertakes reviews and updates of existing classifications and develops new classifications for those service categories without an existing classification.
For the development of the NEP Determination 2024–25 (NEP), IHACPA proposes to use the Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification (AN-SNAP) Version 5.0 to price subacute and non-acute services. IHACPA also proposes to transition community mental health care from block funding to activity based funding using the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) Version 1.0. This milestone follows the introduction of the AMHCC Version 1.0 to price admitted mental health care in 2022–23.