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NDIS workshops 2024 – Darwin and Nhulunbuy wrap up

16 October 2024

Welcome to our first engagement update on how our work is progressing. We’ve been having some great conversations so far. 

NDIS pricing – your engagement update  

Last month, we kicked off our engagement by inviting you to make an online submission, answer a list of questions or attend a workshop. These are all ways you can let us know about your experiences with NDIS pricing and how it can be improved. 

Since then, we have held 7 online workshops to introduce our expertise, explain what we do and invite you to have your say. These sessions were well attended by the disability community, allowing us to capture some insightful feedback.  

We would like to warmly thank everyone who has shared their NDIS pricing experiences with us so far, including what does and doesn’t work.

Thank you, Darwin and Nhulunbuy

On 8 October we started our in person visits, with our first stop landing us in the warmth of the Northern Territory.  

Together with our expert advisor, the Hon Vicki O’Halloran, we heard from NDIS participants, families and carers, services providers, and disability advocates from both Darwin and Nhulunbuy.  

These were rich discussions, allowing us to hear about the pricing challenges experienced in rural and remote regions.  

These events are just the start of our commitment to listen and learn from you. This week we will travel to Tasmania and South Australia before we head to Victoria.  

If you can’t make it to one of our in person workshops, there are many other ways to have your say.

We look forward to continuing to share updates on workshops coming up across the country and hearing your thoughts about a fresh approach to NDIS pricing.

Upcoming workshops

People with disability, families, carers, advocates

  • 1pm – 3pm AEDT Thursday 24 October 2024, Novotel, Canberra, ACT Register to attend
  • 1pm – 3pm AEDT Thursday 31 October 2024, Venue to be announced, Lismore, NSW Register to attend
  • 1pm – 3pm AEST Tuesday 5 November 2024, Venue to be announced, Townsville, QLD Register to attend

NDIS providers, industry, workers, associations

  • 9:30am – 11.30am AEDT Tuesday 22 October 2024, Eastern Hub Geelong, VIC Register to attend
  • 9:30am – 11.30am AEDT Thursday 24 October 2024, Novotel, Canberra, ACT Register to attend
  • 9:30am – 11.30am AEDT Thursday 31 October 2024, Venue to be announced, Lismore, NSW Register to attend

View the full program of workshops.

A group of people in a meeting room
Attendees at our community session in Darwin
People sitting around tables in a meeting room listening to a speaker give a presentation
Hon Vicki O’Halloran speaks with attendees at the provider session in Darwin
People seated around a long table in a meeting room with presentation slides displayed in the background
Attendees at our community session in Nhulunbuy
Two people sitting at a table completing the workshop guide
Attendees at our community session in Nhulunbuy
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