ACCPA National Conference 2024 sponsorship

In October 2024, the Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) National Conference hosted another successful event, bringing together more than 2,400 attendees, with over 180 sponsors and exhibitors from the sector.

The ACCPA National Conference, held from 23 to 25 October 2024, set the record as the largest gathering of aged care professionals at a national conference, with IHACPA attending the event in Adelaide as a proud sponsor. 

The conference theme, Age of Excellence: Inspire, Innovate, Impact, addressed the readiness of the aged care sector to embrace unparalleled excellence, driven by innovative practices and collective learning to deliver world-class care for older Australians.

With almost 100 sessions, the conference program featured over 160 speakers across 7 concurrent streams and plenary sessions.

IHACPA representatives Cindy Feng, Director, Aged Care Policy, and Rachel Hauenschild, Acting Director, Aged Care Pricing presented on evidence-based pricing advice for residential aged care as part of the program. The presentation focused on the development of IHACPA’s Residential Aged Care Pricing Advice 2024–25, which is underpinned by sector consultation and engagement and a data-driven pricing methodology.

Highlights across the 3 days included:

  • talks from inspirational keynote speakers, including human rights activist, Craig Foster AM
  • insights from international speakers, who are setting the agenda for excellence and innovation in aged care in Canada, Scotland, Africa and Singapore
  • the Master of Ceremonies, journalist and media personality, Tony Jones, who facilitated several panel discussions and hosted delegates across the event
  • multiple opportunities for networking, which allowed delegates to make important connections that will continue to strengthen our work within the sector.

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