A fresh new approach to NDIS pricing

Date published: 22 November 2024

In 2024, the Australian Government requested that IHACPA undertake initial work to identify opportunities for future reforms to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) pricing. This included reviewing existing pricing approaches and developing a pricing data strategy. 

Exploring opportunities for NDIS pricing reform

Our work on NDIS pricing reform was about gathering evidence and using our expertise to provide advice to government. The advice focussed on improvements that could be made to the way pricing currently works for the NDIS. We worked with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), the Department of Social Services (DSS) and other government agencies along the way, to ensure our advice aligned with other NDIS reforms.

Why were we selected to undertake this work?

In recognition of our expertise in health and aged care pricing, the government asked us to undertake this initial work. Our involvement also presented opportunity to consider future harmonisation options for some elements of pricing across the care and support sector (NDIS, aged care and veterans’ care).

We are a world leader in health and aged care pricing and classification development. Our healthcare classifications are licensed and used by 20 countries, including Ireland, Singapore and New Zealand.

Our experience, independence, transparency, engagement approach and reputation in health and aged care pricing was used to inform our evidence based advice on a fresh approach to NDIS pricing.

Our approach

We drew upon the knowledge of our expert NDIS advisors, who brought a range of perspectives to our work and who have a deep expertise in many relevant areas. 

In completing our work, we:

  • identified principles to guide a new NDIS pricing framework 
  • explored pricing model options to improve NDIS pricing
  • looked for opportunities for pricing harmonisation across the care and support sector.
  • undertook public engagement. 

During the consultation period, we:

  • heard from over 750 members of the disability community
  • engaged in more than 35 online and face-to-face consultations in over 11 locations
  • received more than 455 submissions and responses to our online questionnaire.

We have read and considered all the insights we heard through our engagement

Based on these consultations, we provided the requested advice to the Australian government. This advice is with government for consideration.

Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the workshops and provided a submission. 

Please note, the NDIA and its Board remain responsible for pricing activities. For more information on their functions visit www.ndis.gov.au

This consultation closed on 22 November 2024. For more details visit our Engagement Hub.

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